My good friend whose blog Journey to the Darkside is one I follow and read regularly.
Today she spoke on her Twitter profile padmeamidala about crossing things off her bucket list. Well, I realized that is something I hadn't done since I posted my Bucket List back in February of this year. So I went through it and I can happily say there are quite a few things I have done!! So I wanted to acknowledge them and to you my readers, encourage you to write your own bucket list. It is so important what you want to do and then realize you have done them!
This really taught me the power of having a bucket list. I feel really good to know that there are a few things I have done and today I even added some that I hadn't thought about before, but definitely want to do.
I'm glad that you were able to cross some things off your bucket list! :D
Thank you for the reminder! It was really interesting to see what I had accomplished and then to realize I wanted to add a few other items :).