This morning I was to meet a new potential play partner. We've not had any luck with meeting. First time he cancelled, second one I didn't make it, and just now he is wanting to change the time. I just can't help but feel that this person is going to stand me up. I've also been reflecting on some "flags" that I had been keeping to myself, but I have since discussed them with Master and we both feel that this may not be a person who is who he says he is. Someone who gets upset because he is addressed as Sir right away, someone who when he didn't get a reaction he wanted from me, decided he was going to go and find someone else, both pieces of information I told him "good luck" as in good luck with his search. Now he contacts me asking if I would meet him for breakfast and I said yes, I think I will stick with no.
Let this be a lesson ladies and gents! If the flags are starting to pop up, than chances are the rest of the information will follow suit.
Happy Thirsty Thursday!
Lixxs and Spanxs!
It's so important to listen to your instincts and pay attention to potential red flags. I think you made a good choice to decline meeting with this person. Even if they're not "Bad news", they're still likely to be flaky timewasters!